Coping long-term

People with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) can use several different techniques to manage the emotional impact of having a chronic illness. Take control with stress reduction and cognitive techniques. Reduce stress Techniques such as yoga and tai chi and meditation have proven to be effective at reducing stress and in some cases, pain, in several scientific…

Communicating feelings

Try these tips to communicate with the people in your life. It’s happened to all of us: We try to explain our myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) to family and friends and get a blank, confused look in response. Many people in our lives are unfamiliar with MPNs but excellent communication can help and in close relationships it’s…

Looking well but feeling awful

Invisible/“Silent” diseases It can be very distressing for people diagnosed with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) to find that others are not sympathetic. When you and your haematologist look at your blood test results, it’s often clear that everything’s not quite right but other people in your life may not see or understand these changes. MPNs…

What you may be feeling

People with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) can find themselves coping with many stressors. For some patients, MPNs are chronic illnesses which can be life-threatening. If you are diagnosed with an MPN you may feel low in mood or fluctuate into and out of depression. The impact of loss Whilst some patients face less difficult situations, others…