In Conversation With … Sarah Connolly, Candidate ANP Haematology, University Hospital Galway

In Conversation With … Sarah Connolly, Candidate ANP Haematology, University Hospital Galway.  This conversation took place at the MPN Voice Patients’ Forum in Galway, held on Sat 24 June 2023.  Sarah spoke about taking up her position in January this year as the Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner in the haematology department in Galway Hospital, and…

A very special interview with Nona Baker Co-Chair of MPN Voice and Professor Claire Harrison

A very special interview with Nona Baker Co-Chair of MPN Voice and Professor Claire Harrison.  In this interview Professor Claire Harrison shares breaking news with up-to-date results from the MAJIC PV Study. Following a recent media article it also clarifies and reassures the importance of existing, very successful therapies such as Hydroxycarbamide and Interferons, which…

In Conversation With … CNS Avril Gleeson

In Conversation With … CNS Avril Gleeson, Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mercy University Hospital, Cork, Ireland, who talks to Nona about the telephone clinic for reviewing MPN patients, which was set-up before the COVID pandemic, and the benefits for the patients, particularly patients  who have challenges travelling to the hospital, or patients who are working…

In Conversation With … Dr Nauman Butt

In Conversation With … Dr Nauman Butt, Consultant Haematologist, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool, who talks to Nona about side effects of MPNs and medications, particularly skin complications of itch (pruritus) and skin cancers.  Dr Butt talks about the increased risk factors for skin cancers (non-melanomas) for MPN patients from sun exposure and some treatments,…