MAJIC-PV Study results

The MAJIC-PV Study is now completed and the results have been published Researchers wanted to find out how well Ruxolitinib worked compared with the best available therapy as a treatment for people with PV who were at risk of developing blood clots that could lead to a heart attack or stroke.  Specifically, the study looked…

In Conversation with… The Steering Committee Members of the MPN Advocates Network

In Conversation with The Steering Committee Members of the MPN Advocates Network.  The MPN AN was founded in 2013 by representatives from several MPN patient support groups as a way of creating and maintaining collaboration between these organizations and providing a platform for joint activity.  MPN AN is a leading international organization that operates for…

Update on the Shortage of Pegasys for Treating MPNs

We are very pleased to advise that NHS England has confirmed that Besremi is now available as a treatment option for specific people with MPNs – essential thrombocythaemia (ET), polycythaemia vera (PV) or myelofibrosis (MF) and for the duration of the Pegasys shortage. Doctors can now consider switching to the use of Besremi as an…

NICE Guidance on Fedratinib for the treatment of Myelofibrosis

We are delighted to announce that NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) has recently released guidance recommending fedratinib as an option within the NHS for treating disease-related splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) or symptoms of myelofibrosis in adult patients who have previously been treated with ruxolitinib and for whom momelotinib is unsuitable. This positive news follows a detailed appraisal…

In Conversation with… Prof Claire Harrison regarding the temporary shortage of Interferon

In conversation with Prof Claire Harrison, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS FT, who clarifies the situation regarding the temporary shortage of Interferon, which is due to the manufacturing rights of Interferon transferring from Hoffmann-La Roche to Pharma& and the commissioning of a new manufacturing plant.  Prof Harrison stresses that the current shortage is temporary and…