Jonathon Burkin

I’m Jonathan and my daughter Francesca has an MPN. I’d never heard of it until her diagnosis and hearing the word cancer is one of the hardest things for any parent to get their head around. As a family we are now living with the condition and the change it has brought to our lives;…

Jamie White

My name is Jamie White and I ran the London marathon to fundraise for MPN Voice. Why did you decide to fundraise for MPN Voice? After my diagnosis I found MPN Voice to be such an incredibly helpful resource of information. They fund studies and work with healthcare providers and researchers to improve the lives…

Andrew Livingstone

  My name is Andrew Livingstone, I was diagnosed with ET after a rollercoaster journey of mostly negative emotions, uncertainty and a lot of tests before finally getting a diagnosis in early 2023 that I had ET. I then spent most of last year working with doctors to get my medication levels right. I consider…

Orlagh & Dan Goodwin

As a young person living with an MPN I hope that my story will provide comfort to other young people with MPNs to know that they are not alone and there is support out there for them.   MPN Voice is very close to my heart as I was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia in September…

Heidi Rose Gorringe

“My Mum is my inspiration. I feel helpless watching her struggle with her condition and realised fundraising was my way of supporting the vital research required to find potential cures for her and others like her”. My name is Heidi Rose. I am 31 years old and so far I have raised more than £6,000…

Steve Wilson

  “My wife’s illness inspired me to become a fundraiser myself, it is not something I have ever done before, but I would definitely do it again.” My wife Annette was diagnosed with Polycythaemia Vera, more than fifteen years ago so I was keen to support the charity and the work they do to make…

Helen Bass

17 March 2016 “Hello, my name is Helen Bass and I live in Hertford with my partner. Having played tennis and football at county level for many years, I then turned to running and crossfit training as a means of keeping fit. I like a challenge so I entered the ballot for the London Marathon,…

Trevor Buckley

15 March 2016 “After my fiancé Lauren was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythaemia in January 2014 at the age of 28, she went to MPN Voice for support and guidance. I was amazed and humbled by the support she received from you forums, especially after attending a patient group forum in London last year.She has struggled…

James White

15 March 2016 “Hello, my name is James and I live in Winchester with my beautiful wife Sarah, who is just about to have our first baby….. middle of April!!! So no pressure then!!! I’m either going to be running on Sunday 24th April really fast, because our baby is late and just in case……

Samuel Beevor

15 March 2016 The 2015 Virgin London Marathon weekend was poignant for me, I spent most of the weekend reading the information about ET on the MPN Voice website, I had suffered two mini-strokes in quick succession at the age of 30.  I was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythaemia. I was reading up on my impending…