Christmas message 2022

Hello everyone It’s that time of year again for the round-up of the MPN Voice year, and once again it has been an amazing year, we started off the year with some uncertainty and trepidation about COVID and end it on a much more positive note. With the easing of the COVID restrictions life was…

MPN Voice Recipe Book

MPN Voice provides support to patients and their families across the world who have been diagnosed with rare blood cancers called Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. The chronic nature of these diseases mean that it is very important for those affected to maintain a healthy lifestyle and look after their general wellbeing. Nutrition plays a key role and…

Fundraising Team Christmas message 2022

The MPN Voice Fundraising Team would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who took part in fundraising events and made donations in 2022, and to all your amazing supporters for their generosity. We were delighted that 2022 saw the return to some amazing fundraising events, as we, with caution, started to return…

video of the MPN Voice patients’ ‘virtual’ forum, London, Wed 7 Sep 2022

This online forum focussing on ET – featured talks from: Dr Anna Godfrey, Cambridge University Hospitals; Prof Mary Frances McMullin, Queen’s University Belfast, Dr Joanne Ewing, University Hospitals Birmingham, Prof Claire Harrison, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital and Faye McGillian, patient speaker. Programme Welcome from Nona Baker, co-chair MPN Voice, and Prof Claire Harrison, GSTT…